Champions of Magic review: Illusions, wonders, and a pocket full of mind-blowing tricks

I grew up admiring the one and only true magician, David Copperfield. I admit that I am hard to please when it comes to magic, and it takes a lot to convince my rational mind that what I just experienced was impossible and truly magical.


When I was introduced to Champions of Magic – a team of 5 world-class illusionists, including Hollie England, Alex McAlleer, Fernando Velasco, and the duo Younge and Strange – I did not doubt that I had to see the show with my own eyes and unveil their secrets.

Champions of Magic is a show featuring five incredible illusionists, each bringing different talents or mysterious superpowers to the stage. Seated in the Mezzanine 3 at Meridian Hall, I was expecting to be blown away by tricks, illusions, and the same level of excitement as the buzzing, sold-out hall around me.

The show included grand illusions, card and money tricks, and live entertainment with special effects. Every hero of the night presented a different trick to amuse the audience, and I must admit that with each trick, a question hung on my lips – how did they do that? My eyes were playing tricks on me throughout the entire show.

Being a little harsh, I must say that the first half of the show was filled with “magic” tricks that could be considered cheap street tricks I have encountered before while travelling around the world. Although it wasn’t spectacular or gigantic, there was still a moment of absolute surprise and disbelief.

One of the illusionists among the five stood out with his numbers, and each performance under his direction was genuinely unique and breathtaking. The way he spoke to the audience and introduced his “magic” left a deep impression and added one more star to this review.

Read the interview with Hollie England about her professional journey – “From Dancer to Magician: An Interview with Hollie England from Champions Of Magic.”

The show is 2 hours and 15 minutes long, including an intermission. I am very sorry to have witnessed that the couple sitting next to us didn’t come back after the break. I guess they weren’t impressed with mind-reading, card box stabbing, or celebrity guessing in the middle of the audience.

I am more sorry for them because the second half brought even bigger performances and illusions, topping the entire show with an energized and upbeat grand finale. The last twenty minutes of the show erased all the cheap tricks and set the real Las Vegas magic night show mood that everyone in the audience, including me, enjoyed.

Catch the magic of the Meridian Hall holiday season and see the Champions Of Magic show from December 27th to December 31st in Toronto!

Maria Rostecka picture
Maria Rostecka

Maria Rostecka, Content Specialist, The Onside Media, Canada
Based in Toronto, Ontario

Hi! I’m Maria Rostecka, a Content Specialist at The Onside Media, Canada, with a focus on arts and entertainment, business, tech and culinary. If you have a compelling story to share, don’t hesitate to reach out at


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