How to find Part-time jobs in Canada? : Neeraj Nair


About Part-time jobs

Part-time jobs are one of the essential needs of an international student. For any student pursuing higher studies in Canada, an additional way of income is necessary to manage the expenses. As per the Canadian government, an international student can work up to 20 hours per week while on a study permit. However, students who are on a scheduled break can work full time. Students need a valid study permit and SIN(Social Insurance Number) to work part-time. The benefits of having a part-time job are that students will be able to control their budget more and can save some extra money. Also, these jobs add experience in different fields and help gain networks among the society.

How to find it?

So, how to find a part-time job? Most of the students consider getting a part-time job as the hard part. There are numerous ways to achieve a part-time job. One of the simplest ways is to take the choices available on the college site. Most of the colleges provide information about part-time jobs on their website, which is on-campus Jobs. The advantage of having an on-campus job is that the student can work full time and have no limitations on the hours. Also, it adds up as an achievement while applying for a future job.

The other way to find a part-time job is to explore the social networks in Canada. Students can find many opportunities through social media platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. Many students depend on this because of the up-to-date information and variety of choices. These platforms help to find specific jobs according to the need of the user. Students can find part-time jobs related to their course and can gain additional experience in the field.

The third way of finding a part-time job is the conventional method of distributing resumes in the local area. The advantage of doing this is that students will be able to find jobs near their house and exclude long travel duration. The probability of getting hired is less so does the available choices. This process is also time-consuming, and it could take a while to get a response.


All these ways require a high level of networking skills and a good resume. Most of the students even fail after trying these. The major drawback of this trend is the reason for having a bad resume. The majority of the students add each and every experience they have and apply with the same resume for every job. one should only add the relevant experiences on the resume depending on the job description. The different sectors of jobs need different resumes to be prepared. Collectively having a Good and reliable resume is a key factor in getting hired quickly for the above-mentioned ways of getting a part-time job.

To know more about doing jobs as a student visit

To know more about student coop and jobs visit

Author: Neeraj Nair

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  1. Part-time jobs in Canada – by Neeraj Nair is a very useful and informative article and also a guide for those who going abroad.


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