Humble and Hungry is an organization dedicated to providing resources, community, and a space for up-and-coming artist to share their work and receive recognition. Founded by Vivek Mehmi and Dante Waechter, the collective’s Facebook group quotes “this is a place where we can help each other through arts and health, to support and spread loving vibrations. Only love will get us through the shifts we are facing”.
The content across Humble and Hungry’s social media radiates positivity and acceptance for newcomers and members alike. With the valuable promotion resources available, artists are free to share original songs, music videos, and connect with likeminded individuals. Vivek and Dante also curate Spotify playlists featuring a wide range of local artists and host events in and around Mississauga. Humble and Hungry earned two nominations at this year’s Mississauga Music Awards: Best Promoter and Best Online Content respectively.

The core value of love and awareness is at the forefront of every initiative by Humble and Hungry. With the pandemic, plus the over saturation of online content, this golden intention never gets lost amongst the community. When asked how they stay committed to this core belief, Dante explained “We ain’t got a choice. When you’re in the face of adversity and dealing with a pandemic and so many moving parts, you have to stay positive. You must understand that everyone is in the same boat.
We’re all trying to fight and grow and get our exposure by getting our name out there”. The music industry is ever changing, and the independent artist is gaining more control of their output. As a musician, Vivek recognized the need for artists to come together and network. “I was having a hard time finding my place as an artist. I wanted to find people to engage with to bring attention to something I thought was worthwhile” he reflects. “I thought, maybe I can give back what I’ve learned and the experiences I have. The music industry is really all about relationships, especially in Mississauga”.
The connection to the self, to other beings, and to a greater purpose is not lost on Vivek and Dante in their work. Humble and Hungry is lead by spirit and intuition to fuel their community and art. “Part of my whole musical endeavour stems from my health situation and what I’ve been going through over the last seven years” Vivek explains. “Humble and Hungry came from the idea of creating something that would give back to people in a way that is bigger than any one person individually. When you bring people together, bigger things can happen”.
The people and the music always comes first and keeps the collective grounded in its integrity. Dante notes the importance of continuing to spread the positive energy that is cultivated. “Its about paying it forward. The intentions of Humble and Hungry are the same. We are still going to look for ways to elevate other people, the music, and the local scene”.
While it is important to be in touch with spirit and intuition when navigating the music industry, Vivek and Dante also recognize the importance of building name recognition, identity, and credibility for their business. When they received their nominations for the Mississauga Music Awards, it affirmed the hard work they had put into Humble and Hungry since its establishment.
Dante admits “I was super excited! It was an awesome honour, and I was blown away by it. This is proof that we’re not making promises we can’t keep. We’re not burning ourselves out. Its all about timing and a lot of balancing”. The constant connectivity in the digital age puts pressure on the modern artist to over produce. Many fall into the pattern of creating content for content’s sake. The nominations affirms that Vivek and Dante’s are producing the right amount for their community.
“Its really nice to be honoured and respected, because sometimes we think we’re not doing enough”, Vivek admits. “Sometimes you need to let things breathe and land. There is a right timing for everything. It validates the fact that we put out a bunch of content and people are taking it in”.
Humble and Hungry Collective is contributing to something that is a part of a bigger picture. While Vivek and Dante provide helpful resources to their community, they also recognize their own ability to learn and grow as individuals. Dante explains “Whenever I come into a situation, I try to learn as much as possible.
I come from an authentic place and try to be an open book. I have no problem treating every situation like a blank slate and learn from the beginning. I try not to presume and project my own opinions”. Humble and Hungry’s accomplishments, plus the innovative minds behind it, are the motivation that keeps the collective moving forward. Vivek elaborates on this when he responds, “At the end of the day, how do you find that creative spark? Keep renewing that creativity process. That to me is how you stay grounded and eager for the next thing”.
The Mississauga Music Awards will be airing on September 25th at 7pm on For more information on Humble and Hungry Collective, visit their social media and Spotify @humbleandhungry