A Canadian first – an autonomous electric shuttle, on the streets of Candiac

Autonomous Shuttle (CNW Group/Ville de Candiac)

CANDIAC, QCAug. 10, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ – The City of Candiac was pleased to welcome Transport Minister André Fortin this morning for a major announcement: the arrival of a long-term demonstration project for a 100% electric autonomous shuttle to be used on public roads for the first time in Canada. In addition to the municipality’s involvement, this ambitious and innovative project is made possible by transportation company Keolis Canada, manufacturer NAVYA, the financial support of the Quebec Government and the collaboration of Propulsion Québec, la Grappe industrielle des véhicules électriques et intelligents du Québec and Technopôle IVÉO.

Starting in September, the autonomous electric shuttle will provide citizens with free transportation between the park-and-ride lot and André-J.Côté Park, making its way along Montcalm Boulevard North. Stops include: City Hall, the Chartwell Le Montcalm senior’s residence and several businesses. An operator will be on board the shuttle for the duration of the project to answer any questions that users might have. This operator will also be able to take control of the shuttle as required. The shuttle will run throughout the fall until winter weather conditions take over. An experimentation phase, with no passengers, will then begin to ensure the shuttle’s performance during the winter season.

The objective of the project, over and above providing additional transportation options, is to contribute to the evolution of autonomous transport technology. By participating in this unique demonstration project, the City confirms its status as a leader in innovation and sustainable development. Throughout the process, Candiac has relied on the support of Technopôle IVÉO, whose objectives include fuelling innovation in the field of transportation by helping cities meet their needs through the solutions developed by businesses.

Candiac places great importance on public and active transport. We are constantly working to provide additional multimodal transportation options while remaining steadfastly focused on the notions of sustainable development and the smart city. A true showcase of technological advancements, the autonomous electric shuttle project put forth by Keolis Canada and NAVYA is perfectly aligned with our vision in terms of innovation and is at the heart of our 2014–2029 strategic development plan. We are extremely proud to be the first city in Canada to move forward with a project of this nature,” stated Normand Dyotte, Mayor of Candiac


SOURCEVille de Candiac


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