An unexpected friendship led to creating a digital media agency: GreenX Media


It can be hard to remember what life was like before Covid-19. Nowadays, it is not customary to be seen without a mask or shop in person at favourite stores. It is even less likely to pursue a dream of starting a small business, and with Covid-19 continuing to wreak havoc across the world, many people have let the ongoing threat of the changing environment slip away as well. However, this is not the case for Gurvir Chana and Yael Morris, two young, aspiring entrepreneurs who have created a media company with a particular vision for environmental stewardship.

“I remember having a long conversation when the pandemic started; we did not know how long this was going to last or what was to come after. However, the pandemic gave us the time to think about how we can make the most of our time in a state of adversity and vulnerability,” said Morris. “That is when we decided to build this brand from the ground up and began discussing how to combine our passions for marketing and digital media with our urgency to address the environmental crisis.”

Yael Morris, Co-Founder, GreenX Media

Chana and Morris are the founders of GreenX media, a digital media company focused on working with small to medium-sized enterprises to build brands and promotional platforms, all while working towards creating a sustainable present and future.

“We love working together,” said Morris. “We are constantly learning from each other and challenging each other to improve not only ourselves but how we serve our clients. We feel like we are the luckiest people to be partnered with each other; together, we feel like anything is possible.”

GreenX Media Logo

This past year, Chana graduated from McMaster University in Honours Life Sciences and Morris intends to graduate in Integrated Business and Humanities next spring. Not knowing each other beforehand, fate brought them together via an extracurricular project that allowed them to showcase their talents, creating a powerful friendship that took an idea and made it into a reality.

“I was intimidated by Yael when we first met – she had an intense energy that I quickly realized was a manifestation of her passion,” said Chana. “She has a natural ability to inspire people, brings energy to any project, and makes you feel good about who you are and what you do. Her energy is what keeps me striving to be better every day and continue building the foundation for GreenX media.” 

One of the most challenging parts of growing a small business is refining what your goals are. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Chana and Morris have worked tirelessly together to nurture GreenX media into a digital media agency that specializes in building brands online, taking their client’s vision, finding what exactly makes them unique, and sharing that with the world. 

Gurvir Chana, Co-Founder, GreenX media

“We work with integrity, we strive to develop relationships with our clients that are built on trust, and we are not afraid to say that we do not know something; the decisions we make have the best interests of our clients,” said Morris. “We are less focused on financial gains and more focused on making a difference in the lives of other small business owners in the community and having a positive impact on the environment around us.” 

Driven forward by the rewarding feeling of happy clients, Chana and Morris hope to continue impacting more growing businesses and plan on achieving this by expanding their internal team and growing GreenX media to support more clients.

GreenX media has only been in business for less than a year. However, Chana and Morris’s vision is to grow into an influential and inspiring agency; dedicated to making a difference with their client’s businesses and developing strategic partnerships with other like-minded individuals to take meaningful action in supporting the planet.

“Bottom line, we know that we are still small, but we also know that all businesses start small. The connections we are making now are developing our professional reputation and leaving an impact on the community and environment around us,” said Chana.

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Abbey Marie Steeneveld

Author: Abbey Marie Steeneveld, Content Writer, Waterloo, Canada. Abbey is a student at the University of Waterloo studying Recreation and Sports Business.

Having recently completed a co-op as a social media and communications coordinator; she has emerged as a junior writer just beginning to tap into her passion for journalism.   In her free time, Abbey can be found on a run, with her nose in a book or spending time with family and friends, If you have any stories or comments to share, kindly email:

SOURCEGreenX Media


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