International Students life during the Pandemic: Aiden Luu, Brock Student Ambassador



The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted almost every aspects of life, from economic to social, everyone is affected on a different level. The Canada education industry like many other aspects of society has faced major challenges and obstacles.

Professors and students now must adapt to various changes in method of deliver, distance learning and testing, while also dealing with the stress of quarantine and lockdown.

International students are those faced most challenges, with delayed visa application, different time zone for online learning, and many other issues regarding their safety from the pandemic

George Tran, Onside Media spoke toĀ  Aiden Luu, an International Ambassador of Brock. Aiden is also the founder of BVSA ( Brock Vietnamese Student Association) and has been working with Brockā€™s international center to support international student in various issues. Brock University is located in St.Catharines, Ontario.

Aiden Luu, Brock Student Ambassador
Aiden Luu, Brock Student Ambassador

For the 2020/2021 school year, has the pandemic impacted the number of international student applicants ?ā€

The pandemic has certainly had an impact on the number of international students applying to Canada in general. However, there are still around 67,000 students arriving at Canada this year from over 156 countries. Even with the pandemic, students from around the world still have high hopes for Canada to bounce back and regain its momentum of growth.

Has any measure of assistance been done by the university to assist students that are affected by the pandemic?

There has been a lot actually. Students that are affected by the pandemic have a chance to apply for a grant of $3000 to pay for their tuition. The university also have mental and academic support for students who needs them. University service like writing studio and many other activities are still held online every week. Brock has also been approved to welcome international students if they wish to attend the Winter 2021 session at Brock.ā€


What is the impact of the new normal in online school and exam affecting international student? Is there any chance or opportunity for student during these times?ā€

A lot of student, that have decided to come home for the duration of this academic year have faced challenges in online learning. The biggest one might be in the time zone different. Some students must wake up at 3-4 am to attend a class. Knowing this is an issue, most of the classes and course are recorded and uploaded as a video for students to be able to view when see fits.

Tests are also longer in duration so that students can deal with technical issues if they arise. The university has also extended the credit/no credit grade options for undergraduate students. This system allowed the grade that is shown on the transcript to be presented differently.

Student can choose to maintain their alpha/numeric score or replace it with a designation of ā€œCredit or No Credit during disruptionā€. An option of withdrawal with no academic penalty is also offered for students who need them. We at Brock understand that this hard time has been challenging for everyone both mentally and physically, therefore, we hope that these methods can assist people in finding the best way to deal with this year.ā€

How do you think the pandemic will affect future student willingness to study at Canada.

I expect things to change a little after the pandemic. Overall, Canada still has a top-quality education system with multiple renowned universities. After the pandemic, the system must have major updates in its policy and operation procedure. Which I hoped that it can be a change for the better. All of that and the robust society of Canada, alongside an opportunity to learn and grow in one of the most developed economy of the world. These are all factors that makes me believe in a bright future for international students in Canadaā€

George Tran


Author: George Tran, Content Writer, Onside Media, TO, Canada.Ā  He is currently based out of Hanoi,Vietnam. If you have stories to share kindly email: ā€“