She Keeps Us Smiling Dental Hygiene – Faye Reid

Many people, maybe even you, have had bouts of fearing the dentist. All of us complain of dental care becoming more cost-effective and personable. Other things people are mindful of are companies with large clientele bases that do not engage with the patients and eventually profit from your decreasing teeth health with or without insurance. Also, never explain what is happening to your teeth and what they put in your body.
Keeps Us Smiling Dental Hygiene – Faye Reid
This entire customer journey is induced with anxiety and blindly trusting what they do to be best for you. However, we have found a perfect solution and the solution is located on the outskirts of Orono, Ontario.


Faye Reid is a Registered Independent Dental Hygienist who started the Keep Smiling Dental Hygiene in 2013 out of her home office. She wanted to get more in touch with her patients’ health and needs. With a focus on preventative disease efforts, Keep Smiling Dental Hygiene catches the root of the problem before it starts.

Dentists are making strides connecting many overall chronic health issues to gum disease, therefore decreasing the odds of health issues down the road, saving you from future costly dental and doctor visits.

“I am proud to provide the best care to my patients, and knowing that I have made a difference with their oral health and overall health is foremost. I love to see children as patients to establish early a good routine for their oral hygiene and prevention of cavities and gum disease,” says Faye.

Keeps Us Smiling Dental Hygiene

She also stresses the urgency to prevent decay at an early age. Children often can slip through the cracks eating a lot of candy and acidic foods. If they establish healthy self-care practices for teeth, cavities can become a far cry away from what could have been inevitable tooth decay for many growing adolescents.

Elevated risk patients for gum disease and cavities may want to hear about Keep Smiling Dental Hygiene’s new program, specially made for them using new industry-leading technology.

Faye adds, “Initial studies for this preventative product application helps in reduction of chronic diseases like Diabetes, Heart disease, Stroke, Arthritis, and Dementia.

“I think this will lead to a greater collaboration with other professionals in the dental and medical fields.” As far as anxiety goes, Faye is incredibly in tune, making her patients feel at ease, “my best skill as a dental hygienist is ensuring my patient’s comfort by providing a complete dental hygiene procedure and educating my patients on their specific oral health needs.”

Keeps Us Smiling Dental Hygiene –

Faye offers her services at an affordable rate, “We ensure that economic barriers are removed by providing a lower-cost alternative for those without dental benefits. The independent dental hygiene fee guide is 10-30% less than a dental office, and we provide payment plans for convenience.”

She also provides a mobile service to clientele to reduce barriers, “With the mobile dental hygiene option, I was excited to provide care to many patients that were not able to access care outside of their homes as well as patients with special needs and those with anxiety and fear.”

Since the pandemic, she has not been able to give her services to some people who need it most, especially folks in long-term care. Faye states, “I would love to have each senior and long-term care home have dental hygienists as primary healthcare providers ensuring their oral health care needs are taken care of.”

Early in the pandemic, Faye decided to use the extra time to complete her Bachelor of Science in Oral Health Promotion. She is a prominent believer in continuing education and always is open to new learnings. She has taken the necessary precautions for Covid. Dental hygienists are one of the leading professions specializing in preventing infectious transmissions.

Keeps Us Smiling Dental Hygiene – Faye Reid

“We have further integrated a covid pre-screening questionnaire, use all mandatory PPE including N95 masks, and air purifier with HEPA filters.” adds Faye. Her office space is open with minimal surfaces and makes the entire experience almost contactless, considering when she decided to upgrade her beautiful office—making it light and inviting, practically transporting you to a warm cabin, no anxiety here.

Having visited her office as a patient, I have never felt more secure and at home in a dentist’s chair. One of Faye’s future aspirations for her growing business reads, “I would like to further integrate teeth whitening as a cosmetic procedure in my practice. We have recently added Wicked White PRO take-home whitening, using an LED light with excellent results and no sensitivity.”

Faye ends our discussion on an uplifting, positive note, “I am looking forward to more positive days ahead where my patients and their family’s health and overall well-being have improved. Being more integrated with the community and socializing with family and friends is what I am looking forward to doing. It will be wonderful when we can smile back at each other!”

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Kayla Stephens

Author: Kayla Stephens, Content Writer, Toronto, Canada. If you have any stories or comments, kindly email: –


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