PBS SA Capital Group Increases Syndicate in Excess of $8.5 Billion for 2018

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PBS SA Capital’s strategy grows, expands and repositions companies in the market.

TORONTOMay 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — PBS SA Capital Asset Management Group, has announced that the group will increase its global financing solution syndicate for the year. Together with its financial and institutional partners, the group’s syndication power is estimated today to be in excess of $8.5 billion USD for 2018.

The group oversees a growing comprehensive international portfolio of company-group holdings under its management while providing commercial financing, corporate finance, access to international capital markets, and corporate management services. PBS SA Capital manages and supports the transportation, energy and diversified industrial sectors.

PBS SA Capital growth strategy enables companies to expand and reposition themselves in the market. By delivering its calibrated financial solutions, the company encourages solid enterprise growth. With a full range of top-tier financial services and tactical corporate support, the group fulfills the needs of private, public and state enterprises.

With a global markets coverage from Toronto to Tokyo, PBS SA Capital has access to more than 10 stock exchanges and their alternative markets for added capital liquidity and listing strategies. The company also has a long-lasting tradition of providing ship finance and global transportation capital. It assists companies in achieving customized fleet optimization, ship acquisition finance, and refinancing solutions.

Led by Alexander Christodoulakis PBS SA Capital Group Increases Syndicate in Excess of $8.5 Billion for 2018 (PRNewsfoto/PBS SA Capital Asset Management)

PBS SA Capital’s commercial and industrial financing capabilities support a broad spectrum of industries, including the financial sector, metals and mining, real estate, retail and consumer markets.

Alexander Christodoulakis is an international financier and entrepreneur who has a proven track record of performance for over two decades. He also maintains the presidency and management of Portland Marine Group of Companies worldwide.

Alexander’s ability to enter into markets at key times and predicting imminent financial crises have made him a sought-after lead investment executive today. His expertise has led Fortune 500 companies, world banks, leading hedge funds, state enterprises, public and private multinational corporations to pursue his expertise.

For more information and inquiries, please contact PBS SA Capital Group North American head office in Toronto, Canada at 416-913-0640 or finance@pbssacapital.com.

About PBS SA Capital Management Group

PBS SA Capital Asset Management Group oversees an international portfolio of company-group holdings while providing commercial financing, corporate finance, access to international capital markets, and corporate management services.


SOURCEPBS SA Capital Asset Management Group


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