Ogena Shield Hand Cleaner: Revolutionizing Hand Washing


Ogena Shield Hand Cleaner feels different because it is different

December 15, 2020: STONEY CREEK, Ont. — Breaking old habits and adopting new ones is hard, but in the end it is always worth it.

Take, for example, washing our hands. Hand washing is an essential measure for preventing the spread of disease, but even with this knowledge compliance is not at the level it should be — even in human and veterinary medicine. The method for washing our hands has been the same for generations: Get them wet with warm to hot water, lather up with soap, rinse and dry.


It’s an effective method, sure. But in removing dirt and grime, traditional soap will also dry out our skin, resulting in chapped, cracked hands that are both unsightly and painful.

Ogena Shield Hand Cleaner is revolutionizing hand washing with a new hand cleaner and the training and education to improve compliance. Ogena Shield Hand Cleaner gives a deep clean while moisturizing and protecting the skin from damage. And it does so by skipping the first step you would typically take when washing your hands — getting them wet.

“Not only does Ogena Shield Hand Cleaner work different that a typical soap, it feels different when you’re done,” says David Hachey, President of Ogena Solutions. “It is the most effective cleaner on the market, removing organic materials from your skin, but leaving it smooth and soft. You will feel the difference after your first use.”

The difference with Ogena Shield Hand Cleaner, formulated with the highest quality lanolin and glycerin, is it conditions and protects the skin. Apply to your hands when they are dry, rub thoroughly and then rinse under cool water to remove soil, dirt and organic matter while leaving powerful moisturizers behind.

Specially formulated with all-natural ingredients, Ogena Shield is fragrance free, biodegradable and environmentally friendly.

Your hands will feel the difference.

“Ogena Shield Hand Cleaner is ideally suited in any commercial or industrial setting where regular hand washing causes skin to dry and crack,” says David. “Just give it a try to feel the difference a good hand cleaner and moisturizer makes. It’s a shield for your dry, cracked hands.”

Ogena Shield is the latest innovation from Ogena Solutions, a leading supplier of safe, effective and environmentally friendly biosecurity solutions, equipment and protocols. For more information, please visit ogenasolutions.com. Follow Ogena Solutions on Twitter @OgenaSolutions and Facebook at /OgenaSolutions.

SOURCEOgena Solutions