Collaboration is the key management lesson from COVID19: Minto Schneider

Minto Schneider, CDME,  Chief Executive Officer, Waterloo Regional Tourism Marketing Corporation talks about business impact due to COVID19
Minto Schneider, CDME,  Chief Executive Officer, Waterloo Regional Tourism Marketing Corporation (Pic: Linkedin)

How has been your experience in this leadership position?

Challenging. This has been the most challenging period in my career. There is no blueprint to follow and we have had to be prepared to fail, consult with others more than ever before and have no idea what the future might look like.

Some key challenges you faced while managing the company through COVID19

Laying off a very hard working team, maintaining communication with partners and planning for the immediate future.

Key Management lesson learnt during COVID19

Collaboration. This has always been something that I thought we were good at, but I have learned that if we want to survive, we need to do more. And to not be afraid to ask for help.

What are the challenges facing your industry going forward

Rebounding – we need to keep businesses operational as they try to rebuild.

Any new trends emerging in your industry?

Distancing – it remains to be seen how long this will continue, but in the meantime, businesses have to adapt to accommodate. And we see stay-cautions on the rise. More people will stay close to home this summer.

How is the business outlook looking over the next few quarters

Not good. We do not see recovery until late 2021 or first quarter 2022.

Any highlights in your business over the last one year

Yes, we began receiving the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) in July of 2019. For the first time, we were looking at having a budget sufficient to fund the marketing we need to do for Waterloo Region. Sadly, with the Covid virus closing everything down, the revenues originally forecast for 2020 will not materialize.

What really motivates you and inspires you the most?

Working collaboratively with our partners.

For more information :



This story is written and edited by  Yugbodh, for The Onside Media, Canada, If you have stories to share kindly email: –

SOURCEWaterloo Regional Tourism Marketing Corporation


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