Steam Whistle Shower Caddy Solves an Age-Old Problem


Shower Caddy Gift Pack in retail now for holiday shopping


TORONTO, Ont. (November 10, 2020) — It is a problem as old as the beer can.

There is little that compares to enjoying an ice-cold beer while taking a nice hot shower. It is a combination as perfect as peanut butter and jelly, bacon and eggs or Canada and winter.


It’s hard to beat a shower beer, but there is always the question of where you put the beer when you are lathering up? You don’t want your beer getting watered down or having soap splash into it. Most certainly you don’t want to risk dropping your beer, having it slide off the edge of the tub or accidentally kicked over and seeing all that delicious golden goodness spilling down the drain.

The functional and fun Steam Whistle Shower Caddy has the problem licked. Made from high-quality silicone, the Steam Whistle Shower Caddy adheres easily to a smooth, flat surface and can easily hold either a short or tall can of Canada’s Premium Beer. (We do not recommend taking a bottle into the shower, as accidents do happen, and that is one of the last places where you want to be picking up broken glass.)

“The innovative Steam Whistle Shower Caddy solves a real problem for beer lovers,” says Tim McLaughlin, Vice-President of Marketing at Steam Whistle Brewing. “But please note, Steam Whistle will not accept responsibility for people suddenly feeling the need to shower more often, spend more time in the shower or convincing themselves that they are great singers. And we absolutely discourage everybody from dancing in the shower.”


The Steam Whistle Shower Caddy is conveniently sold with six x 473 ml cans of Steam Whistle’s flagship premium Pilsner and is now available for $26.95 at LCBO outlets across Ontario, while supplies last! Complete the Steam Whistle shower experience with Steam Whistle’s all-natural beer soap (sold separately), available in three scents from the brewery’s e-commerce site.

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