Mackenzie Reduces Management Fees on Three Alternative Mutual Funds


Mackenzie’s absolute return oriented liquid alts funds may provide value and
diversification opportunities for investors seeking to manage market volatility

TORONTO, April 15, 2020 /CNW/ – Mackenzie Investments reinforced its ongoing commitment to deliver value to investors by reducing management fees on three alternative mutual funds by 15 to 20 basis points.

“It’s more important than ever right now to provide affordable and innovative investment options to Canadian retail investors,” said Barry McInerney, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mackenzie Investments. “Reducing the fees on these funds further supports our commitment to providing competitive, simplified and transparent pricing.”

In May 2018 Mackenzie Investments launched the first absolute return fund for Canadian retail investors.  The firm has since expanded its offering to four funds that span various liquid alternatives categories.  The liquid alternatives space is expected to grow to $100 billion in assets under management in Canada within the next few years.1

“Funds that employ absolute return oriented investment strategies may be particularly attractive in the current market environment because they include non-directional strategies which aim to be independent of market fluctuations,” said Michael Schnitman, Senior Vice President and Head of Alternative Investments, Mackenzie Investments.  “These strategies may benefit investor portfolios because they’re not as sensitive to broader market variations.  They also provide opportunities for enhanced diversification.  We’re excited to be able to make them even more accessible to Canadian investors.”

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